Reason RE Robotic Bean Euclidean Rhythms v1 1 1 DECiBEL

Team DECiBEL | 23 Dec 2021 | 16.6MB
Euclidean Rhythms is an algorithmic rhythm player for Reason. It means that instead of coming up with and playing your rhythm patterns yourself, a rhythm pattern is generated for you according to Euclid’s ancient algorithm. By tweaking just a few knobs in real-time, or using automation or CV, you can get almost endless variations and inspiration for your tracks!

Euclidean also offers plenty of precise manual control if you want it. For instance you can mute individual steps or draw their velocities. With Slide and Shuffle you can fine-tune the groove.

Get inspired by Euclidean Rhythms!

– Rhythmical inspiration in a box
– Easy control over rhythm, velocity and note length
– Tweak the groove with Slide and Shuffle controls

Product Description:
Rhythmical inspiration in a box
Combine with other Players for endless possibilities
Always in perfect sync with your song
Control the algorithm using three simple controls: Steps, Density and Offset
Control the groove with Shuffle and Slide controls
Velocities can be drawn directly in the display
Incoming velocities can be scaled or ignored
Hold and Retrig modes
Reset the playback position at any time
Steps can be muted or forced
Everything can be automated and Remote controlled
Input range controls with MIDI learn
Sample accurate playback
Responds to the Run button inside Combinators
The output can be written to a note clip with a single click
CV inputs for Reset, Density, Offset, Note Length and Velocity

Changes in 1.1.0:
You can now Alt-click or double click on the LRN buttons to latch them, then tap again to save the setting

Changes in 1.1.1:
Bug fix: Now behaves correctly inside combinators if Run Devices is switched off while the main transport is running
Bug fix: Unwanted notes would get passed through the device under certain conditions, even if Density was 0 or an empty step was playing
Shiny new Robotic Bean logo!
Please note: Euclidean Rhythms requires Reason 10.1 or later.

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