AudioZ | AudioSex | 27 December 2021 | PDF | 1.7MB
In this tutorial, I’ve taken the conversion of one of my previous libraries, Cinematic Studio Strings rLV as an example. The tutorial goes through all the steps of the conversion process in detail. Screenshots have been added wherever appropriate to make the understanding clearer. The steps have been given based on the procedure I use and justifications have been given as well. Wherever possible, a few alternate methods have been discussed.
The links to the various tools and utilities used during the conversion process would be found in the download link container below. Along with them, a few forum threads have been linked as well which have some important discussion related to the utility. The reader is encouraged to go through these threads.
Hopefully after completing this tutorial you’ll be able to go ahead and make your own Lite Versions of various libraries! Even though this tutorial is intended for those completely new to this subject, I hope that experienced LV makers might some find some use for it as well, in the form of alternate methods to do things.
I’d like to thank everyone who has been waiting so patiently for this tutorial, and apologise for taking so long to complete it. I hope everything was clear and easy to follow. Feel free to contact me via PMs in case you have any doubts and I’ll be happy to help!
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and happy holidays ahead!
While I was writing this post, I noticed that the developer for one of the utilities, conNCW, has recently released an update to the utility after almost two years. So the commands used in this tutorial might not be the most up to date. At the time the post first appears, the tutorial will contain the steps corresponding to the older version (04). The link for this version is included in the container and all the steps described in the tutorial work with this version of the utility.But I’ll try to update the tutorial at a later date so that it works with the latest version. So if you’re reading this at a future date, check the primary link container for the most up-to-date versions of the files.