Siemens NX I DEAS 6 8 Multilingual

Siemens NX I-Deas是一套广被航天、汽车、消费性电子产品、工业设计者所採用的全功能机械产品研发过程自动化的系统。高效率的设计、绘图、分析、模拟、测试及製造,以最短的时间、较低的成本向市场提供高质量的产品,是世界应用最广泛的CAD/CAE/CAM软体之一。

最新的Dynamic NavigatorTM动态指标系统及预选预知的功能,让使用者能够快速地建构和修改产品的设计。革命性的VGXTM 变数式几何系统技术,让使用者以更直觉的方式去雕塑三维实体模型;并直接在电脑三维实体原型上进行修改,如同以双手拼组真实的零件一样,真正满足设计者丰沛的设计创意。

核心模组 Master Modeler

曲面设计 Surfacing Set

产品组装 Assembly Set
电脑数位原型top-down设计开发环境、Copy with Associativity关联複製、乾涉检验能力、组装件动画模拟功能。具备组装件的组态和动画模拟功能。

2D绘图出图 Drafting

单机独立2D绘图或与3D模型整合完全出图系统、支援 ANSI、BS308、DIN、ISO和JIS绘图标準。

模拟测试 Simulation and Test

产品加工製造 Manufacturing

模具设计 Mold Design
由VGX MoldBase及VGX Core/Cavity两个模组所提供的Mold Design功能,可以在最短的时间之内,从已完成的3D实体模型开始发展,迅速将模具相关的零组件架构设计完成。

开放式结构 Open Architecture

团队资料管理 Team Data Management

线上即时辅助系统 Multimedia Training, Tutorials, and Online Documentation

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Siemens PLM Solutions has, since 2001, been implementing a plan to move I-deas customers forward to NX while also taking care of the immediate needs of I-deas customers. This plan focuses on the Siemens PLM Software strategic objective for our I-deas customers to migrate from I-deas to NX successfully, while preserving your investment and intellectual capital contained in your I-deas data and maintaining continuity in current workflows. This strategic plan encompasses both I-deas and I-deas Team Data Manager (TDM) and the move from I-deas with TDM to NX with Teamcenter Engineering.

The Siemens PLM Software program encompassing both this strategic objective and the tactical objective for I-deas customers is called “Evolution of Excellence.” This program combines the excellence from both the traditional I-deas product line and the Unigraphics product line to create a product with superior productivity called NX.

The objective of the Evolution of Excellence program is to move all existing I-deas customers and Unigraphics customers to NX successfully. Once in place, customers will enjoy increased productivity through the capabilities of market-leading system level engineering, unified solution, managed development environment, simulation, and knowledge enabled applications.

NX Series is the best choice for I-deas users and user teams who want to leverage their existing data sets and workflows via the new managed development environment for I-deas and NX. This evolution of excellence allows users to experience the best of both worlds by combining the greatest strengths of both I-deas and Unigraphics.







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