Neuro Programmer v3 3 1 WiN

WiN | 111.20 MB
Neuro-Programmer 3 is the industry standard program for creating Binaural and Isochronic beats.
Neuro-Programmer 3 (NP3) is on the cutting edge of mind technology; implementing both old and new techniques to affect the mind much like an engineer would program a computer. NP3 implements the methods of psychologists, EEG researchers, neuroscientists, hypnotherapists, meditators and more. One aspect of the Neuro-Programmer that makes it unique is that it targets specific brainwave patterns which have been shown to make the mind more receptive to psychological change.

Everybody has internal problems. The vast majority of people live their entire lives in a constant battle with their own mind and their own behaviors. Many of these problems are so deeply rooted they have existed since childhood. Most people have simply come to accept their limitations or unwanted personality traits.







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