Reason RE Softube TSAR 1R Reverb v1 3 11 DECiBEL

Team DECiBEL | 20 Dec 2021 | 18.7MB
Modern and classy algorithmic reverb with a natural and vibrant sound. The extreme ease-of-use allows you to create a realistic space within seconds, comfortably knowing that this is the same famous and powerful algorithm as in the TSAR-1 Reverb. Just fewer knobs to tweak.

– Powerful, easy to use algorithmic reverb

Product Description:
The TSAR-1R Reverb is the little brother of our high-end TSAR-1 Reverb and combines ease-of-use with the same powerful reverb algorithm as its big brother. The TSAR-1R is the first choice for any situation where you need fast results without sacrificing sound quality.

The True Stereo Algorithm inside the TSAR reverbs is what gives them their magic. The strength lies in the sophisticated sound and versatility, no matter whether they are used on strings and brass or rock drums and lead vocals, they always shine. All this while still having a comprehensive and easy-to-use interface that is unparallelled in other high-end reverb products.

– True Stereo Algorithm – Same as in TSAR-1 Reverb
– Extremely easy to use
– Modern and powerful high-end reverb



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