FME Desktop 2022是Safe Software公司开发的一款强大专业的空间数据转换器和处理器软件,FME的集成平台使连接数百个系统,以无限方式转换数据以及自动化工作流程变得简单。FME Desktop允许您从数百个来源输入数据并输出数百个。将数据从A转换为B,执行复杂的企业集成或简化繁琐的任务。
FME Desktop包含475多个数据转换器,使您可以完全控制数据的内容,结构和样式。此外,没有工具能够更好地处理空间数据的复杂性。FME可以转换空间数据以供使用和共享。与其他任何解决方案相比,它解决了更多格式的空间数据转换挑战,使专业人员更容易解决数据互操作性问题,并帮助他们的组织实现业务目标和所需标准。FME Desktop可以快速,简单地在多种格式之间转换数据。只需指向并单击即可创建移动数据的图形数据流。如今,FME是空间数据转换的主导技术。它支持FME桌面和服务器软件以及比任何其他技术更领先的空间数据应用程序供应商的解决方案。它被全球数以万计的客户广泛使用。
The Safe Software development team is pleased to announce the availability of Safe FME Desktop 2022.0.0.0 (20211209 – Build 22245) is a flexible and powerful spatial ETL toolset used by thousands of GIS professionals worldwide to quickly translate, transform and integrate data.
FME Desktop is the authoring component of the FME platform. It is used for data translations and transformations at the desktop level (as opposed to FME Server, which is an enterprise-level, web-based product). FME Desktop consists of a number of different tools and applications. The two key applications are FME Workbench and the FME Data Inspector.
Everything starts in FME Workbench , the authoring environment where you configure and run data integration workspaces. A workspace is made up of various connections to readers, transformers, and writers that are used to create your custom workflow. The visual representation of your workspace is what you see in the Main window (also known as the canvas).
FME Data Inspector is an application that is directly linked to FME Workbench. Like Visual Preview, it allows you to inspect and view data before, after, or at a specific point in your workflow. FME Data Inspector may be preferred by those interested in viewing large datasets in a window that is separate from FME Workbench or for accessing some additional tools.
Safe Software began in a home in 1993, helping forestry companies exchange maps with the provincial government. It was technically possible, but often involved hours of fighting data and losing information in the process. In short, nobody was happy.
We didn’t start out with a business plan, but we did have a desire to help. By sharing FME with over 10,000 organizations around the world, Safe has been able to empower data users who were once limited by their data struggles.
Product: Safe FME Desktop
Version: 2022.0.0.0 (20211209 -Build 22245)
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : http://www.safe.com
Languages Supported: multilanguage *
System Requirements: PC *
Size: 1.8 Gb