DCP Productions Keyfax Media B s Knees Yamaha Motif XS XF Montage MODX X0A

X0A | AudioZ Exclusive | 281.67 KB
A masterful vintage organ collection focusing on B3 voices, stops, and effects, originally created for the Motif Classic but now completely re-programmed for the Motif XS (and so 100% compatible with the Motif XF).

Authentic and highly playable, DCP has produced this collection out of the existing Motif XS wave ROM, i.e. no memory expansion is required.

The body of collection is the128 User Voices that cover all the classic ‘Hammond’ stops. Some voices have aftertouch-controlled ‘Leslie,’ while others use mod wheel either for rotary effect or distortion amount in the amp simulator.

This collection suits both purists looking for genuine B3 sound alikes, and those simply looking to play classic 60’s and 70’s rock with a reasonable degree of authenticity.

8 Performances have also been included just to get you in the mood.

This Motif XS version has been significantly re-worked from previous versions, taking advantage of the XS’ new organ samples, and features such as assignable switches and 8-element voice structure. There are several 8-drawbar organ voices, as well as organs with note-on keyclick and note-off keyclick, switchable vibrato, and improved, authentic percussion behavior.

The overall authenticity of rotary speaker sound and overdrive has been greatly improved, resulting in sounds that are both easy to place in a music mix and have the necessary weight and punch to cut through in a live performance setting.

Xeraser’s notes: XS version of the library. Sorry MOXF users :( You should be able to convert the presets using John Melas’ tools (no samples used, ROM sounds only)

This exclusive release was generously supplied to us by our member Xeraser
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